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[DEPRECATED Karazhan: LAB - E - Exalted Ring - Caster]

[Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Scale of the Sands.]
Кольцо вечности (Прилагается) (1)
Песчаная Чешуя (Превознесение)


[Your accomplishments have gone beyond my greatest expectations, <имя>.

You step in and out of time as comfortably as any bronze dragon I've known. You are destined for great power and I am more than pleased to help you on your way there.

Continue to serve the Scale of the Sands and I will unleash your gift's full potential.]


Вы получите:
Кольцо вечного мудреца

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Введите эту строку в чат, чтобы узнать ваш прогресс:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10746))

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